Who We Are


The KAPS Group is a network of consultants with a wide range of skills and experience in text analytics, taxonomy, ontology and knowledge graphs, Python and other proprietary text analytics programming languages, and information and knowledge management. It was founded by Tom Reamy, author of the most comprehensive book on text analytics, Deep Text.

We have been in business for over 20 years and have worked with most major text analytics software, developing auto-categorization and data extraction applications of all kinds. Our clients include large financial organizations, government agencies, technology companies, publishers, pharmaceuticals, major foundations, and more. Tom Reamy is also the program chair of Text Analytics Forum, a conference that for the last 6 years has been presenting the latest ideas and techniques in text analytics.z

Tom Reamy

Chief Knowledge Architect

Tom Reamy is the founder of the KAPS Group who focuses on text analytics, taxonomy, information and knowledge management, and application development in areas from enterprise search to social media/sentiment analysis. Tom’s main focus in in developing new ideas and techniques and through his writing and promoting text analytics. He is the author of the book Deep Text: Using Text Analytics to Conquer Information Overload, Get Real Value from Social Media, and Add Big(ger) Text to Big Data. Deep text is an approach to text analytics that adds depth and intelligence to our ability to utilize a growing mass of unstructured text.

In addition to founding and chairing the Text Analytics Forum 2022 – The Leading Text Analytics Conference (text-analytics-forum.com), Tom has also been a frequent speaker at numerous other information-focused conferences, including KMWorld, Taxonomy Boot Camp (DC and London), Internet Librarian, Enterprise Search & Discovery, ASIS&T, Sentiment Symposium, SLA, Innovations in Knowledge Organization, Dataversity, and more.

Laura Alcorn

Senior Analyst

Laurinda Alcorn is a Taxonomist and Information Architect, focusing on methods that optimize operations while making the customer experience excellent. Ms. Alcorn has worked on improving the customer experience in a wide variety of settings where she has applied the FAIR principles to ensure that information is findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable.
She has worked with major corporations, including AT&T and IBM, premier universities such as Harvard, well-established small firms such as Fuld & Co., clinical and medical practices, start-ups through the SCORE network, municipal organizations, and nonprofits. Laurinda Alcorn earned a Master’s of Science in Library and Information Science from Simmons University and a Certificate in User Experience Design from General Assembly.

Joseph Busch

Senior Analyst

Joseph Busch is Taxonomy Strategies’ founder and principal consultant. Mr. Busch is an authority in the field of information science, with an emphasis on helping organizations develop metadata frameworks and taxonomy strategies to ensure that content realizes its highest value through reuse and repurposing.
He has extensive knowledge and experience developing content architectures consisting of metadata frameworks, taxonomies and other information management methods to implement effective information management applications such as search engines, portals, web sites, content management systems, digital asset management systems, document management systems, knowledge management systems, e-government.

Amanda Jobbins

Senior Analyst

Amanda Jobbins, PhD Department of Computing (Computational Linguistics). Experience includes big data, data mining, data analysis, taxonomy, metadata and controlled vocabularies. Her roles include Senior Information Scientist, Senior Taxonomist and Senior Member of Technical Staff. She now primarily codes in Python with past experience in Java, JavaScript, SQL, GATE, C++, C and many other technologies. Other professional experience includes both the healing and creative arts.

Maureen McClarnon

Senior Analyst

Ms. McClarnon is a metadata professional with an eye on the big picture, experienced in building scalable processes using cross-functional stakeholder input, and working in multiple domains to create standardized vocabularies. She has 12 years of experience developing indexing vocabularies based on best practices, descriptive metadata frameworks including logical modeling and architecture, standards, and automation. Maureen McClarnon earned a Master’s of Science in Library and Information Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Bonnie Taylor

Senior Analyst

Bonnie Taylor is a knowledge management professional, specializing in taxonomy and text analytics. For 8 years as part of the Taxonomy and Indexing team at Bloomberg Industry Group, Bonnie played a key role in managing a 3400-topic taxonomy and shifting the workflow from live tagging of news stories and other documents to a rule-based autocategorization system. She uses Python to automate processes wherever possible and also holds a certificate in XML and RDF-Based Systems from Library Juice Academy. Bonnie earned a Master’s of Science in Library and Information Studies from Florida State University and a Juris Doctor from Stetson University.

Our Partners

Advanced Technology + Human Experience = Superior Solutions

The KAPS Group partners with multiple text analytics companies and other consulting companies to augment our offerings and provide our Deep Text professional services to apply their software. Having partners combines the technical and software capabilities of these companies with our Deep Text professional services expertise. The result is advanced applications and solutions. By partnering with most of the leading vendors, we are able to provide the best fit for each client, using our text analytics evaluation service.

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